Project leader :

Skydrone Robotics

Project cost :
1 833 321€
Project duration :
2 ayears
Financing device:
Nouvelle-Aquitaine region

Today, while many European actors are working to develop ever more efficient drones, it is still difficult for European drone operators to obtain flight permits from the AESA (European Air Security Agency) to carry out recurring transport missions, in particular in partially populated to populated areas. The aim of this project is to pursue the development of our VERSATYL modular multi-mission drone to obtain a DVR delivered by EASA. Skydrone Robotics intends to make it eligible for many Sail III to IV missions ( high added value freight transport).

The Versatyl drone is a modular vehicle. By simply changing its motors, in under three minutes and with no need for any tools, it can be adapted to many operational situations. This remarkable feature gives it a carrying capacity ranging from 1 to 35 kg and endurance of up to one flight hour.


A project supported and labellised by the Aerospace Valley cluster.

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« The Cluster was able to support our program through connecting with qualified people at the Regional level to set up financial support. The Cluster also gave us the opportunity to present our solution at meeting events and forums,  thereby increasing our visibility. »

Damien CHATARD, Sales development, Skydrone Robotics