Webinar: Demystifying space technologies for cities - Managing urban green spaces

Agenda :

  • 13:00-13:05: Welcome and intro to webinar series (Alex Gluhak, Open and Agile Smart Cities)

  • 13:05-13:15: “Risk-aware management of urban green space“,  Marion Messador, Kayrros

  • 13:15-13:30:  “Satellite Perspectives: green spaces, vegetation, and land use dynamics in cities”, Louis Baetens, LTU Tech

  • 13:30-13:45:  “Helping the green and resilient city with climate simulations and solutions”, Laurent Husson, The Climate Company

  • 13:45-14:15: Panel discussion with presenters, Q&A and wrap-up (Moderated by Alex Gluhak, Open and Agile Smart Cities)



Green spaces play a crucial role in any city and urban community to ensure a more healthy,  balanced and sustainable living environment. For example parks, urban forests, and trees along the streets and riverbanks support urban well-being by providing space for rest, relaxation and exercise, and by keeping temperatures down.

Socially, urban green spaces provide social spaces and areas for recreation and cultural purposes for children grownups and the elderly alike. Environmentally, they minimize air, water, and noise pollution, and may offset greenhouse gas emissions through CO2 absorption. At the same time, they improve resilience in urban areas by counteracting the urban heat island effect, thereby reducing the energy costs of cooling buildings. They also provide attenuation of stormwater, thereby acting as a measure for flood mitigation.

The adequate management of urban greenspaces is however challenging, costly and time-consuming as they cover large urban areas that require continuous upkeep and appropriate interventions.

This session provides case studies and examples of how cities are leveraging solutions based on satellite technologies, AI and other advances to ensure that adequate management of urban green spaces can be provided.


The SPACE4Cities project aims to procure a range of replicable solutions that use European satellite data for better and more dynamic management of public areas, green spaces, transport infrastructure and city maintenance – and the cities’ overall resilience.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101131955.