Space Meetings Veneto - 2ème édition
Venise - 20-22 mai 2024
About Space Meetings Veneto
Our goal is to connect suppliers operating in both the upstream and downstream parts of the space sector value chain, and aeronautics companies to investors, buyers, research centers, government and space agencies, facilitating business and knowledge exchange for three days.
The space industry is emerging as one of the most rapidly evolving ecosystem throughout the world. The new space market is driven by the rising demand for nano-satellites, new technology, and global digitalization.
For its inaugural edition, Space Meetings Veneto will focus on 4 major topics:
- Investing in space and aeronautics
Discover the market and learn about investment opportunities fostering the development of the aeronautics and space sectors.
- Space Suppliers Summit
The Space Suppliers Summit is a 2-day business convention dedicated to the space supply chain and satellite industry that features a high-level conference, a showcase, technical workshops, and pre-arranged one-to-one meetings.
- Space applications for wine and climate monitoring
This is a one-day event featuring a conference program and 1:1 meetings for professionals involved in space applications, innovative technologies, and data for the wine industry, and climate monitoring sector.
- Innovative technologies for viticulture
This is a one-day event featuring a conference program and 1:1 meetings for professionals involved in space applications, innovative technologies, and data for the wine industry, and climate monitoring sector.
Exclusive offer for Aerospace Valley members
- Stand fee: 2900€ - Aerospace Valley member fee: 2000€ - Table fee with btob: 1500
- Rate for a table with btob meetings: 1500€ - Aerospace Valley member rate: 1000€.